The chemical industry has faced significant challenges in recent years due to growing environmental concerns and the need to comply with stricter regulations. The recent legislation on packaging and packaging waste, established in Act 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soil for the Circular Economy, as well as Royal Decree 1055/2022, has required companies to adapt and meet new legal obligations. In the midst of this scenario of change, an innovative and committed solution has emerged: SCRAP PUNTO GRETA.
SCRAP PUNTO GRETA, which already has more than 100 associates, presents itself as the best option for promoting the new ecological regulations and advancing in the implementation of the circular economy in the chemical industry. This SCRAP has been created with the intention of meeting the sector’s needs by taking care of simplifying administrative procedures and efficiently managing waste, while complying with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) of all its associates.
If you are looking for the opportunity to adapt to the new legislation in an ecological, efficient and secure way, don’t miss the opportunity to visit Stand D52 at Hygienalia on 7, 8 and 9 November and discover all that PUNTO GRETA has to offer.