Since its first edition, Hygienalia has had sustainability as a backdrop and, reinforcing its commitment and that of its exhibitors to develop products and services that are increasingly more respectful of the environment, it is once again launching the Green Line catwalk so that companies show their greener proposals in an easy and prominent way.
Green Line consiste en una ruta que tendrá parada en cada uno de los stands de las empresas que se hayan inscrito previamente como participantes. Cada expositor podrá presentar como máximo 5 productos/servicios/acciones. Y estos formaran parte del “área verde”, tanto en la web del salón como en el dossier verde para la prensa especializada.Green Line consists of a route that will stop at each of the stands of the companies that have previously registered as participants. Each exhibitor may present a maximum of 5 products/services/actions. And these will be part of the “green area”, both on the show’s website and in the green dossier for the specialized press.