Hygienalia 2023 will be hosting almost 200 ‘B2B’ meetings between exhibitors and buyers from more than 20 countries

Trade association ASFEL will be co-ordinating these B2B meetings through IVACE Internacional and the European EEN network. The meetings were introduced by the fair in 2015 and have proven to be highly valued by the industry.

Hygienalia is also set to receive several groups of buyers on trade missions supported by ICEX. Participants will be coming from Estonia, Romania, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Morocco, Holland, Poland, Sweden, France and Portugal.

Valencia, 27th June junio 2023.- Hygienalia is making strides with its international reach. The sixth edition of the professional cleaning and hygiene trade fair, which is organised by Feria Valencia, takes place from 6th to 9th November this year at Madrid’s IFEMA exhibition centre, with a strong international element that positions it not just as Spain’s foremost event for the industry but also as the gateway to international markets for the companies exhibiting.

Great proof of that is that the B2B Meetings are being set up again. The initiative launched in 2915 and is promoted by the Asociación de Fabricantes Españoles de Productos de Limpieza e Higiene, ASFEL (Association of Spanish Manufacturers of Cleaning and Hygiene Products). It is hoped that this year around 200 of these meetings will be set up between exhibitors at Hygienalia 2023 and the international buyers who will be coming from 20 different countries.

Online meetings schedule

To take part, both exhibitors and visitors need to register on this dedicated platform, <https://hygienalia-madrid-professional-hygiene-fair.b2match.io/> . You can also contact other Spanish and foreign companies through the platform and send and receive meeting requests. Once these have been accepted, a schedule of meetings will be generated that reflects the commercial interests of each participant.

The B2B Meetings will last about 20 minutes each and will be designed, according to ASFEL, to promote networking amongst those taking part and create a network of top-level contacts in the trade, thereby fostering co-operation between companies. The aim will also be for the meetings to identify new opportunities and market trends, promote creating new business and international synergies, set up partnership deals between participants, and create visibility for them so they become accessible to future customers.

Supported by IVACE Internacional and the EEN European network

On ASFEL’s part, the B2B Meetings are being co-ordinated through IVACE Internacional and come within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)<https://ipyme.org/es-es/politicasymedidas/union-europea/Paginas/red-een.aspx>, one of the leading agencies supporting European SMEs in their efforts to innovate and be competitive in the international arena.

The EEN network embraces more than 600 business organisations and 3,000 experts and is active in more than 60 countries. In Spain the members also enjoy support and promotion from business development entities in Andalusia, Madrid, Catalonia, Castilla la Mancha, Castilla León and the Basque Country.

Inbound trade missions for international buyers

Equally, and in line with Hygienalia’s international commitment, the professional cleaning and hygiene event will also be hosting a number of inbound trade missions for international buyers, who will be in Madrid to discover the newest products and latest trends being showcased by the exhibitors.

On this occasion, and once again thanks to ASFEL co-ordinating arrangements, ICEX will be supporting the international inbound missions financially and at an institutional level. The focus for the missions will be buyers from countries that are key markets for this sector of Spanish industry.

In this regard, the buyers will be coming from Estonia, Romania, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Morocco, Holland, Polonia, Sweden, France and Portugal.

Hygienalia 2023 is organised by Feria Valencia and promoted by ASFEL, the Association of Spanish Manufacturers of Cleaning and Hygiene Products, and AEFIMIL, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers  and Importers of Industrial and Cleaning Machinery. The last edition of Hygienalia comprised an offering from 109 exhibitors and welcomed 6,005 professionals from 35 countries and a range of sectors including hospitality, the food industry, facility services, health, the pharmaceutical industry, service stations and public facilities.

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