Exhibit in Hygienalia

A complete 360º vision of everything that the professional cleaning and hygiene sector can offer, meeting the commercial needs of exhibitors while providing useful ideas to visitors that are incorporated into their day-to-day activities.

It's easy to participate in Hygienalia

To find out about the available spaces and to obtain an estimate of the cost of your participation, write to us at:

Hygienalia is the largest fair meeting in the cleaning, professional hygiene and laundry sector in Spain




Hygienalia brings together the interests of the entire sector, hand in hand with:

Logo Asfel
Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes Españoles de Productos de Limpieza e Higiene
Logo Aefimil
Asociación Española Fabricantes Importadores Maquinaria Industrial Limpieza
Logo Feria Valencia

How to attract more visitors to your stand

To make your participation in Hygienalia a success, invite your customers and potential customers to the stand.
In addition, we recommend that you take the following actions:

  • Send the electronic invitation that the contest will provide you. In this way, your clients will be able to access the venue for free and without queues.

  • Communicate in your newsletters your participation in the fair and the activities that you have planned during the event.

  • Insert the information of the fair and your stand in the email signature footer.

  • Send a press release to the media.

  • Insert a review of the fair in your advertising in specialized media.

  • Follow us on social networks, communicate your presence at the event and share our content to boost your own social networks.

  • Boost your own social networks Insert a review of the fair in your printed material (circulars, brochures, etc.).

Download the promotional material

Insert a fair banner on your website to remember your presence at the event.

You can download the one that suits you best for your website, newsletter, advertising…